The Things That Bring You Joy

family of six sits on a couch looking at their newborn in black and white.jpg

Newborn photography makes me so happy. Spending time with families during milestones like these brings a HUGE smile to my face.

What are the things that make you happy? Who are the people who bring you joy?

Make a list of those things and then fill your life with as much of it as possible.

True joy, true happiness; the kind that starts in your soul and is contagious. The kind that provokes your fire and gets you dancing and running and waving your arms. It gets you hugging people and high-fiving children. Thinking that this life is a gift if we would only receive it.

Fill your life with the things that release joy to you.

With faith and laughter and corny jokes. With people and ocean waves and sunny days. With conversations and dreaming big and baking cookies. With colour and singing and hope.

And me? I’ll keep photographing newborns. xo

Client Testimonial

“Loved working with Karen! She made the whole process very easy from the beginning. Communication was great. She replied to emails quick and always made sure all your questions were answered! Her studio is beautiful and I loved that she supplied a wardrobe, not only for me but also my kids. It made life so much easier after just having a baby and a cesarean. While at her studio as well, she took good care of us and my kids. Karen knew exactly how to keep them occupied and happy and made the whole session an awesome experience!“ - Shayna Aasman

Hey mama, I'm Karen Byker. I grew up in Ontario, Canada. I live in my hometown of Grimsby.

I’m a mother of four that understands the overwhelm of life with little ones. I've learned how to embrace the beauty of it, and I believe it’s possible to enjoy this busy life we chose.

I have helped hundreds of mamas to slow down, pause and use photography as a way to document life’s milestones. Let's chat about documenting the beauty through your chaos.


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