Niagara Family Photography neutral colours in Grimsby Ontario.jpg

We Can Always Find Thanks

There is something about gratitude that is transforming. There is something about gratitude that multiplies our hope. There is something about gratitude that shifts our perspective from ‘what we don’t have’ to what we do. It is almost like when we start saying what we are thankful for and when we start seeing the beauty in our lives, we can’t stop. Suddenly, it is everywhere we go.

We live in a culture where it can be easy to be so aware of what we do not have. We have inside looks into people’s lives through social media. We are pushed with advertising that is telling us we need more; we need more beauty, more success, more popularity. It can be easy to go to bed every night feeling like there is not enough and like we are not enough in and of ourselves.

And there is something about when we get thankful; when we pause in our everyday lives to take a look around and inside of our own hearts and ask ourselves the question, “What am I grateful for?” I think that in our gratitude, the good stuff multiplies. I think in our gratitude, the beauty is amplified. I think in the gratitude, we come alive.

No matter the day we’ve had, we can always find thanks. We can find something to get grateful about. Whether it is laughter or a home or beautiful children, there is so much that we can say thank you for. There are so many gifts found in the every-day.

Make room in your life for gratitude. Make room to see the beauty in every-day. Fill a notebook or calendar with it. Make it a game that you play with your children. Find ways to celebrate the simple and the small. Know that as you do; as you get thankful, that you are multiplying hope and goodness in your life.

And if there is something we can always use more of, I think that’s it. Goodness and hope.

About This Family Session

Barb & Wolfgang are repeat clients of mine, and their littles Osker & Kensie were such troopers for this session. It was pretty cold out there, but we ventured on, wrapped the littles in warm blankets and made the best of it to document their family before winter arrived.

I'm so glad we did, because even on the coldest of days, we have so much to be thankful for. These two little ones keep mom and dad on their toes, but they also keep the smiles on their faces. xo


Holding Your Artwork In Your Hands


Their Love For You