We Are A Love Letter To Our Children

We are writing a love letter to our children with our very lives.

Dripping in every single thing we do, in the touch of our hands, with the tone of our voice, from the light in our eyes, inside the freedom in our embrace; we are telling them the story of our love for them.

Sometimes love is found in the midst of syllables and pauses, but so often love is found in the every day, in the little things, in the simple.

Love is found in snuggles and back rubs and tickling and the sweet motion of stroking his hair as he falls asleep quietly.

Love is found in freshly baked cookies and picnics-just-because and strolls after dinner when the sun is so bright.

Love is found in bedtime stories and the millionth ask of, “have you brushed your teeth?” and giggles after lights out.

Love is found in corny jokes that don’t make sense and big bear hugs and reminders that tomorrow will be beautiful.

Love is found in that sweet exchange of stories and “how was your day?” and butterfly kisses.

Love is found in simple prayers and tired feet and raspy voices and meals shared.

Love is what is found in every room, every conversation, every bit where you show up. It is written in those songs we just make up and those dances where our feet don’t match and time building sand castles and the chasing of birds and blowing of dandelion dust.

And this love letter that we tell our children with our lives we won’t ever find in a frame or in a newspaper or receive a manual for how-to. It is not something we write in our resume or can buy off Etsy.

This love is being written on the hearts of our kids, transcribed on their little souls with bold, beautiful colours that, “Baby, you are loved. And you’ll forever be loved.”

About this Newborn Session

Ethan was calm, content, sleepy and an absolute joy in the studio. It's obvious in his images that parents Tracy and Brian already love him so much.

Tracy had her makeup professionally done by our makeup artist, Christine, and of course she looks amazing. And you know what - she has no idea how beautiful she is.

New mama Tracy was referred to me by her sister Tanya, who had a newborn herself not too long ago! You'll find Frances' newborn session here.

What a lovely family. I can't wait to see this little guy in one year for his family sunset session. xo


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