Photographing Siblings At Your Family Photo Sessions


Capturing the Perfect Sibling-Moments of Your Children

I am in love with this perfect moment of the whole Friedrich family adoring their 5-day old baby girl, Navy. These three brothers, Cohen, Wolf and Teddy are head-over-heels for their new baby sister! They got some precious time to bond together as siblings in their family newborn sessions at my natural light studio in Grimsby.

When you book family photography at each new milestone, you’ll also be able to capture your children in the beginning stages of life-long sibling relationships. 

The relationships your children have with each other are the start of amazing stories yet to be written – stories of support, love and overcoming challenges together as their lives unfold. (And who are we kidding – probably some mischief-making sprinkled in there too). 

When you book maternity, newborn or family photo sessions with your children, I am thinking of all the sibling stories yet to be written. I want to help you see the bond they already share, so you can dream of the ways it will strengthen throughout their lives.

In this blog we’ll look at: 

  • Why sibling photography is so important 

  • How to prepare your children for sibling photography 

  • How I create harmony between siblings in the studio 

  • How to nurture positive sibling relationships 

  • How to introduce children to a newborn sibling

I invite you to bring your whole family together for maternity and newborn photo sessions. That way we can capture the unique dynamic each child brings to this new chapter of your family’s story.

three brothers huddle around newborn baby sister kissing her face niagara family photographer

Sibling Love (In All Its Forms)

Sibling relationships can be some of the deepest, most meaningful relationships in our lives. 

Siblings can be our protectors, our best friends, our partners-in-crime and our confidants. They can be the ones who teach us how to braid our hair or put on makeup. They’ll show us how to build the best blanket forts, and help us make the tallest snowmen. They might hold our hands as we go on the school bus for the very first time, and no one will ever make us laugh the way our siblings can. 

We all have dreams for our kids’ sibling relationships. 

As a mother of four, I’ve seen the magic and uniqueness of these sibling bonds.

And I also know that sibling squabbles are a reality. Young developing minds are just that – they are developing. They are still learning how to manage conflict and express their big emotions in a healthy way. They’re also figuring out how to feel secure in their own identities when sibling rivalry strikes, or when Mom’s attention is diverted elsewhere. Learning how to disagree with each other in a healthy way is actually something that will translate into really healthy relationship dynamics later on in life, with each other and with future relationships. 

closeup on oldest brother holding baby sister on lap holding hands niagara family newborn photographer ontario

But believe me, where there is grace for our children to make mistakes, learn and grow – there is grace for you too, Mama. On the days where you yelled more than you wanted to because you couldn’t stand another second of their fighting, these are the moments of life that teach us the most beautiful lessons: humility, forgiveness, self-compassion and fresh starts. 

I came to think of God as more of a gracious friend who was accompanying me on this journey, a friend who wanted to carry my burdens and speak into my life and shape me into who I really was and who I would become.
— Joanna Gaines, The Magnolia Story
two brothers sit on couch holding baby sister in floral dress niagara family newborn photography ontario

Sibling Photography: 

Some days, you’re going to want a little photographic evidence that your children really do love each other beneath the daily arguments over who got more ice cream in their bowl, and who “started it.” 

When you join me at my studio for a family photo session, you can feel assured that I’ve put a lot of thought into nurturing sibling relationships; I’ll customize sibling photography around your family’s milestone at that moment, whether it’s maternity-family sessions, newborn-family sessions or a routine family session. 

Here’s how I create an atmosphere where your children can enjoy a fun time with their siblings: 

  • First by making each individual child feel noticed and special 

  • Secondly, by setting the stage for natural sibling interactions

With both of these goals, we can capture authentic sibling interactions when the perfect moments arise. 

three brothers sit on couch holding baby sister one brother puts arm around other brother niagara sibling newborn photography

Photographing Siblings: 

1. Make Each Child Feel Special 

Before I begin capturing cute sibling moments, I take time to truly notice and acknowledge each of your children as individuals when they come into the studio. I think when each child has felt individually welcomed into the space it levels the playing field and helps each child feel secure in front of the camera. 

I’ll ask about the names of each member of your family beforehand so I can call them by their name when they arrive. We’ll also coordinate unique outfits for each child that look great in photos and also help them feel like themselves. 

Most importantly, it’s my goal to always get individual photos of your children at each new photo session so they can learn to see themselves in a loving way as they grow up into each new stage.

newborn baby girl sleeps on couch head rests on hand baby sibling photography niagara ontario

Pro Tip: When your family gets their albums and prints to take home, spend some time with your family complimenting each other on how great they look in their photos – and maybe most importantly, having everyone say at least one thing they love about themselves in their photos. Photos are a great way to build self-esteem and compassion in our children. 

When I get to know my clients through each new photo session over the years, I also get to learn more about each child’s unique personality. With this insight, I can interact with them in specific ways to pull out their authenticity. This might look like: 

  • Learning the preferred name they like to go by (either a nickname or a full name) 

  • Getting to know what their favourite colours and styles are for their outfits

  • Knowing what TV shows, sports or music to talk to them about

  • Discerning whether playful games or quieter moments will help draw out their personality best 

For some children, I’ve learned that giving them a wooden camera and having them “take pictures” around the studio will make them feel most alive. And maybe for some toddlers, having them run around with a bare bum helps them feel most comfortable. 

And for your growing children, I find they really appreciate another adult talking to them like an equal to show that I respect their burgeoning talents and independence. 

oldest brother holds sister on couch for sibling newborn photo session niagara ontario

My own experiences of raising siblings through different life stages has had a lot of influence on the work I do at my studio. I know that my children (and I) have all benefited from having other mothers speak into our lives, even in the smallest ways: sharing advice, giving us compliments, and even just being noticed and receiving a little loving attention. 

I believe every child is worthy of that and I want to bring that into my interactions with your children. It’s an honour to be one of many women who will be speaking into the lives of your children over the years, wanting to remind them of their talent, their incredible value in this world and how much they are loved.

mom dad arms surround newborn baby swaddled in white blanket niagara newborn photographer niagara

2. Set the Stage for Positive Sibling Interactions: 

After I’ve welcomed each of your children individually and spent some time taking each of their photos, we’ll invite them into some group photos. I’ve designed an experience that will nurture the most adorable interactions between your children, without turning into those “forced sibling” photos. Real moments of authenticity are always the goal!

We’ll play on the things you’re already doing at home to nurture positive sibling relationships and I’ll be there to support you in that with a toolbox of fun ideas!

Plus, your family photo sessions are an incredible opportunity to lay down the foundations of: 

  • Gentleness with each other

  • Sharing a space together (like cuddling in a chair or huddling together over the baby)

  • Love and respect for each other 

I love pulling out the natural caregiving instincts that older siblings will have for their younger siblings, and newborn siblings. For example: 

  • I’ll give your child a chance to gently brush their newborn sibling’s hair with a soft baby brush, and feel their soft tuft of hair afterwards.

  • We’ll settle your child on the couch to hold Baby. They can whisper “Ssshhhhh” or sing them their favourite song while they gently rock him or her.

  • I’ll have older children read books to their younger siblings.

  • I’ll have them all place their hands on Baby and tell them one thing that they’re excited to teach their baby sibling, and one thing that they’re excited to play with them one day 

I especially love this last exercise because I know it can be hard for toddlers and young children to understand that their newborn baby sibling isn’t going to be a playmate for them quite yet. Some kids can feel disappointed when they realize that Baby can’t play, walk or talk right away. But we can show them the right ways to play with Baby while he or she grows so that they can develop their own unique relationship as time goes on.

family of six gather around newborn placing hands on swaddled baby family photography niagara

Siblings Behind-the-Scenes: 

Since not every family member will be in front of the camera the entire time, I’ve also thoughtfully curated a collection of toys, books and colouring utensils so they can stay busy (and clean) while they wait for their next turn. What they may not know however, is that this is part of the photo experience as well! Having toys and creative outlets available helps them stay in the moment and continue experiencing the family time you’re all having together. 

I love watching your children build block towers together, draw pretty pictures for Mom together and make each other giggle in this play area of the studio. This lights them up and this kind of behind-the-scenes magic carries on into the photos we take. 

I have a toolbox full of ideas when it comes to creating natural sibling interactions for your family photos. When we keep the children moving and engaged with toys and little games, we can ensure you end up with the kind of photos you’ll swoon over when you see them at your Image Reveal and heirloom selection session.

three brothers snuggle around baby placing hands on swaddled sister newborn sibling photography niagara

Preparing Siblings for Photo Sessions Beforehand: 

I know that when it comes to sibling relationships, you’re not just wondering about how to create harmony at your photoshoot – you want this to extend into your everyday life as well! 

I’ve come up with many of these photo prompts throughout my own experience of mothering my children. I welcome you to bring any of these ideas home with you. It’s fun to notice which activities your children are most compelled to engage in. It could actually say a lot about their love language as siblings!

  • Is it the more physical touch expressions like hair-brushing, stroking their head or playing pat-a-cake? 

  • Or is it maybe words of affirmation as they talk to Baby, tell them how cute they are and how much they love them?

  • Acts of service could look like picking out Baby’s outfit for you that day, or picking up Baby’s toys when they drop them. 

  • Maybe they’re always creating crafts to give to Baby, or making up fun new games to play with Baby so they can practice their love for giving gifts.

  • And some children just love their quality time – they run to Baby as soon as they get home from school to give them a kiss. They like to linger on the living room floor with them on Saturday mornings. They want to come inside and say hello to Baby even when they have friends over. They just can’t get enough of Baby! 

I consider every kind of love language when conducting family photo sessions so we can find the activities that will bring joy to each of your children. 

three boys huddle around newborn sister swaddled in a blanket sibling photographer niagara ontario

Introducing Siblings to Your New Born Baby: 

Having brought a newborn home to siblings three different times, I know the many emotions that come along with planning “the first meeting.” Where should you do it? When should you do it? How should you do it? 

So many questions. Introducing your newborn to your children doesn’t have to be stressful though.

Over time, I’ve compiled a list of things (from personal experience, learning from friends and doing some research) that have helped me successfully introduce my new babies to my family. 

Pro-Tip: Before you go into labour, and especially again before your family photoshoot, teach your children about being “gentle” with Baby when they arrive. Teach them what the word “gentle” means, what it looks like to be gentle, what it feels like to be gentle and what it sounds like to be gentle. This will make sibling interactions go a lot more smoothly when the time comes to meet your newborn baby. 

family of six welcomes newborn baby girl placing hands on her family sibling photography niagara

Of course, all of these things should be age-appropriate to your child, and consider any specific needs they may have to feel relaxed and comfortable. 

Here are some things to consider doing before your children meet your new baby:

  1. Make Baby a part of regular conversation before you go into labour. Talk about what Baby will be like at first before they know how to be playmates. Tell them how Baby will eat, where they will sleep and what things you’ll all still be able to do together. 

  2. Teach your children about Baby before you go into labour. Show them pictures of them when they were babies so they can start to visualize their new baby sibling. Teach them how to treat things gently so that they understand how to be gentle around the baby when they arrive.

  3. Help your children meet a baby before you go into labour. Bring your child or children to visit your friend or family’s baby and teach them about how to act around newborn babies. If you don’t have anyone with babies in your life, I know a few people who gave their children (boys and girls both!) baby dolls to care for so they could get used to learning how to handle a baby, let them build up affection for the baby, name the baby and bring out their own nurturing behaviours. 

    These are all things we can practice when you come in for your family maternity sessions as well. It will be a great introduction to the big adventure that is to come.

baby lies in unwrapped muslin swaddle blanket with hands on belly niagara newborn photography
swaddled newborn baby sleeps on back wearing decorative floral headband family sibling newborn photography niagara
baby fingers and toes poke out of white muslin swaddle blanket newborn photographer niagara


Your family photo sessions are an important opportunity to nurture the sibling relationships between your children. With an abundance of ways to encourage kindness, gentleness and love for each other, we’ll create some breathtaking photos of your kids enjoying this stage of your family’s life together. 

To see more examples of adorable sibling relationships check out: 

parents sit on couch holding baby father puts hand over mom and daughter newborn photography grimsby ontario
mother holds baby in lap above shot newborn photographer grimsby ontario
behind studio door parents sit on couch with baby snuggling newborn photographer grimsby ontario
father picks up swaddled baby daughter smiling newborn photographer niagara ontario

About This Beautiful Family


I have had the pleasure of photographing the growing Friedrich family five times, through newborn, baby milestones, family photos and our most recent family newborn session. Parents Carlin and Hans wanted to continue the tradition of welcoming their baby to the world with family sibling photos. Their three adorable boys Cohen, Wolf and Teddy are over the moon about their baby sister Navy and you can see their love for each other in these photos.


View Their Finished Artwork

- How they made their house feel more like a home -

If you want to create something beautiful like this for your home and family, message me. I'd love to give you more information on booking a portrait session here at Reflections of Life.


Client Testimonial


“Karen has been our photographer for the last 5 years! She has taken newborn photos of our last 3 children, first birthday photos, as well as family photo sessions. It is very difficult in this digital age to remind yourself to keep and print those photos that really matter and we are so happy and thankful for Karen and the work that she does. Because of her, we have beautiful prints and albums that will someday be given to our children. Karen is very professional and is amazing with our children. I love that when I tell my children now that we are going to see Karen, they know who we are speaking about. Karen has watched our children grow over the years and is able to capture those changes in a way that we can't. We can't say enough about her work and we will continue booking sessions with her in the years to come.” - Carlin Friedrich


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Hi there, I'm Karen! I am obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids, and jumpsuits. I'm a mama of four who understands the busyness of everyday life. I've learned to love and enjoy it through lifestyle photography. I know what it’s like to look back on my children’s first years and feel like they flew by so quickly. I don’t want any other mamas to forget what their baby’s little fingers and toes looked like all curled up. My hope is that I can help you create albums and prints to serve as physical reminders of these sweet times throughout your baby’s early years. Contact me for info.


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