The Anticipation of Spring

Niagara Photographer | Reflections of Life Photography |

There is something powerful about spring. It rushes into the winter and brings a joy and lightheartedness that makes people want to dance. It's like when spring comes, we want to peel off all those layers, the coats and sweaters, and get lighter. Spring is likely more anticipated than any other season. Because of the harshness of winter that comes before it, it is like good news. It is a good story, it is the realization of something we've been waiting and longing for.

It's exactly the level of anticipation we feel as the little ones kick inside our bellies. As we long to see their little faces and feel their little heartbeats against our own. We imagine them, wait for them, and expect them. The day they arrive in our world is like the brightest of suns pouring the greatest of lights into our lives.

It is the warmest of moments because they've finally come home.

And sometimes the journey before can be hard and harsh even. Maybe it takes longer than you ever wanted to conceive. Maybe pregnancy carried its difficulties. Maybe lives were lost. In the context of all that, the joy of receiving a life into your hands is one that is unforgettable and truly sacred.

We know the beauty of spring because of the barrenness of winter.

We know the bliss of a new life because of the journey it took to get there.


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