Windows to the Soul


They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. When working with newborns, you don't always get a calm, awake baby. Even more so, you are not always able to capture awake images with eye contact. In those chance moments that you do, the results are always captivating. They are usually among the parents' favorite images in the gallery. They stop a viewer in his or her tracks, and elicit a reaction.

Lendrick has a beautiful, old soul. He opened his eyes to let us see during most of the session. His eye contact felt as though it was made with purpose and intent rather than chance. He seems wise and far beyond his mere moments on this planet. He was awake, but still very content, and you'll see a lot of that in the short film at the bottom of this post.

I do believe there are great things in store for little Lendrick. I look forward to watching him grow and achieve great things. I know for certain that he is surrounded by love, and in love all things flourish. Welcome to this world, sweet Lendrick.

And of course I had to share his gorgeous short film. I had the camera rolling in the back of the studio and pieced the moments of his newborn session together to create something adorable.

And a sweet newborn birth announcement design for little Lendrick.


Why Asking For Help Is So Powerful


Those Eyes