Fill Your Life With Pictures That Push You To Feel


Fill Your Life With Pictures That Push You To Feel

You can look at pictures and not just see them with your eyes, but feel them with your heart.

You know those pictures that almost have stories behind them as if they are letting you in on secrets? The ones that bring you into dialogues and transporting you into different moments. The ones that have worn corners, or maybe they’re the ones that keep setting them as the background image on your phone. Or maybe they greet you each morning as they sit on your dresser. Just one glance and you’re back there.

We can look at photographs and see them as record-keepers or we can look at photographs and seem them as pedestals.

The pictures we carry and the pictures we hold aren’t just to prove that it happened. That yes we got married, yes we had kids, yes we were friends and yes this was a big deal. But the pictures we carry can be living pedestals to remember that life is beautiful, that love is to be celebrated, and that people matter.

All those images that sit in boxes, that stand in frames, that you hired someone to take; look through them slowly. Don’t just see them, but pause and feel. Feel the memories as they rush back. Feel the love that you know is there. Feel the story of what it was like to be known like that and to laugh like that.

Sometimes I wonder if we are scared to look at pictures because of what they’ll bring up. Maybe they bring up unmet expectations or broken relationships or regret or time that just went too fast. But beyond that small sting is the richness of a life that has been lived.

So pause and feel.

Fill your life with pictures that push you to feel. And maybe for you, that also means photography that inspires you like the ocean or flowers that bloom or the sunset as it rises. Or maybe it means taking pictures not just for the sake of it, but to celebrate the heart and soul of a moment. Or maybe it means hiring a photographer that won’t do record-keeping for you, but pedestal-creating.

Pause and feel.

About This Family Session

This is Emily, my co-op student from last semester. We decided to photograph her with her family on the beach this summer because, well, why not?!

There was so much laughter and smiles during this session, but even more important, we created images that make you feel something. The images where Emily burst out laughing, or the way her boyfriend looks at her, the way her parents laugh so hard they can’t even stand up straight. That’s what good photography is all about.

Karen’s Gear: Nikon D750, Nikon 50mm 1.4, Sigma 35mm 1.4, Nikon 60mm 2.8, Nikon 70-200mm 2.8, Expodisc
Please note: These are affiliate links, but Karen promotes only the products she truly loves.

Client Testimonial

“What began in my head as an event in my calendar that I simply had to 'attend to', soon became cherished family time at the beach; all thanks to Karen. This photographer is unlike any other with whom I've ever had the pleasure of working. Packed along side her camera is her grace, energy and spirit; all of which she used to capture our quirky family perfectly. 
Karen is all about fine details, and you'll soon learn what those are when you receive your prints and your usb stick full of images that have been edited just for you. From the first email to sharing our prints with our extended family, the collective reactions among all of us are complete awe; and for good reason. 
The VanderBeeks are not generally a photographic bunch, but Karen turned the improbable into memories we will hold dear for the rest of our lives.” - Jeannine VanderBeek


Hi there, I'm Karen Byker from Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. I'm obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids and fancy flavoured tea.

I'm a mother of four that understands the overwhelm of the every day, but I have grown to love and embrace the beauty of it. I believe we should be able to enjoy this life we chose.

I've been an active photographer since 2005. I've helped hundreds of mamas to slow down, pause and use photography as a reminder to take a breath.

I'd love to talk with you about documenting the beauty through your chaos. Let's chat!


Why I Am Passionate About Photography


Simply By Being Here