
We never stop growing. Whether it be in age, family size, our relationships, our careers, or as our own person, we continue to grow. I have had the pleasure of watching the Brar family grow for 5 years now. I first photographed their oldest daughter, Lily, as a baby. I watched Lily grow from a baby to an active toddler. I documented the wait for little sister Olivia. I helped welcome Olivia as the family grew from three to four. Most recently, I had the honour of capturing priceless memories as their family grew by one more, welcoming a baby brother, Armin, for Lily and Olivia. In the blink of an eye, Armin will grow to be able to toddle after his big sisters. Their relationship will grow to include not just love, but admiration, respect and loyalty. During that journey, these images of Armin in his first days will be a reminder of where he started. His whispy lashes and tiny cracked lips, and what I imagine will be the same soulful gaze. Armin will grow, but his newness is preserved forever in these images.

It is one of the greatest compliments to have clients come back to see me time after time. 5 years, 3 new babies. As they've grown, the Brar family has been with me as I have grown. They have been a part of making me who I am today. The images from their first session through this most recent session not only document the growth of their family but my growth as a photographer. It has been the most beautiful journey for all of us.


Girl Talk


A Dimple in Time