A Letter To Our Daughters

A Letter To Our Daughters Niagara Child Photography.jpg

You're So Beautiful

You are beautiful. When you look in the mirror, let that be the first thing you see. As you grow, I pray that you'll put down anything you're using to define your worth and see yourself as you are; beautiful. Makeup, fitness, amazing clothes — those things aren’t the things that make you beautiful. What makes you beautiful is the breath that fills your lungs, the fire that lights up your eyes, the arms that hold people when they’re sad and that laughter that just seems to fill up an entire room.

You are enough. Just as you are today. Nothing added, nothing taken away. You are enough. You are enough because you’re here and because you’re so deserving of all the love and goodness that life can muster. No matter what you fill your life with, whether it is accomplishments or accolades or relationships — those things are purely icing on the cake. Your enough-ness was first. It was started before the world ever began.

You are loved. You are so loveable down to every spot and every pore of your skin and every crevice of your heart. You are loved with wide open arms and tender and sweet words and new songs that start in the dark. You are loved deeply by God who crafted you with His own bare hands, breathed life into you with His own breath and dared to call you His. Love covers you. Love calls you. Love carries you. You are loved.

You are flooded with purpose. Babygirl, you are. You are necessary. You are wanted. Everything that you have and carry; your passion, your story, your dream, your words, your message — we need it all. We need you to bring it all. We’re changed by you when you are who you are and bring what you have. Don’t disqualify or doubt yourself and don’t apologize for who you are.

You are extravagant. You are beloved. You belong.

About This Family Session In The Studio

Susan and David have been coming to me for their family photography for years. I have loved watching Abigail and Mackenzie grow, giggle and enjoy their family time. They're both such bundles of energy and they're always so happy.

After this session I sent them home with little gifts of sparkly silver notebooks and feather pens the same colour as their hairbands. Susan said they wrote secret messages to each other all evening. :)

Here's their gorgeous album design!


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